
What's the right kind of Life Insurance coverage?

The answer to this question: there is no right or wrong!

Many professionals and consumers have their own personal opinion and view as to what's the right type of coverage, the answer every one's searching for........it's up to you.

The best way for someone to help a consumer understand the main distinct differences between the two main types of life insurance coverage are: The difference between owning a home and a renting a home.

Term Life Insurance- Renting

1. The cost will always be lower.
2. It suits most consumers who need protection now.
3. Most economical way to get the most amount of coverage.
4. After the term (Rental) is up, generally 20-30 years, the landlord in this case, the life insurance company, has the right to kick you out or renew at higher premiums.
5. This type of coverage is not recommended or intended to remain in place for the life of the insured.

Permanent/ Whole Life Insurance- Owning

1. Coverage remains in place as long as you want it.
2. Guaranteed level premiums.
3. Equity is built up, allowing the consumer to tap into it in the future.
4. The only real way to ensure the death benefit will pay out.
5. This type of coverage is recommenced when the need for protection is indefinite or forever wanted.

At Securing Life Today- your life insurance solution, we can help you find the right coverage that fits your needs.

You pick the price!



The biggest reasons why people don't have Life Insurance and or enough.

So what’s stopping them? Here are the most common reasons; They think they can't afford it, they feel their situation does not require the need of a financial planner and or they have at some point, met with a financial planner and they know the process and what to expect, and really do not want to give someone all of their financial information and spend a lot of time and money. Lastly, and what I see has been the biggest reason, we don’t look at ourselves as being priceless. People need to understand the why and how it fits into their lives and that everyone person possess an extreme amount of value. Getting Life insurance can be an emotional thing, and people need to be moved emotionally.

Well there are many life insurance companies, and there’s even more people selling it. What we hear more than not is that most of the time, the product there selling is also the company they work for. In this day in age, most people, if not all, want transparency and want make sure their making the best decision, and it’s hard for a specific Insurance company and or agent of that insurance company, to not have an agenda……to only sell that companies product who they actually work for.

We realize that one shoe size doesn’t fit all. Our clients and customers like that we take an independent and transparent approach, to solving their need for life insurance, and we also give them the tools on our website to see for themselves, who has the most competitive rates for their unique situation, so they know there getting the best deal possible based on their age, sex, health and amount of coverage.

Most importantly, So they don’t feel like their being sold, but rather they get to choose. Giving people the power to choose…… is an important thing!

We truly help people understand just how valuable they are to their family, business and the world around them. Leaving them in a better situation.


I don't need Life Insurance, I'm good.


Life insurance is a funny thing!

Meeting with thousands of people over the past 7 years, and helping hundreds get covered for the first time and or re evaluating their existing coverage, has led me to a few conclusions about the perception of Life Insurance.

Life Insurance appears to be seen as a positive, once someone truly understands the value of their own life, but also the reality that their family will always be the most important factor in their life as well. The goal for consumers who want or need Life Insurance, or even the consumer who hasn't  realized that they can benefit from the priceless value of Life Insurance, yet, is because Life Insurance is not being expressed and educated as being one of the most important things one could provide to their family. In addition, how economical it truly is, in comparison to playing the Russian roulette game of life.

This is a great client example to share how even people that have, or think they have a lot of assets, can use life insurance to leverage providing a legacy:


Client - John Doe expresses that they don't need life insurance. I (Professional Insurance Advisor) ask, why is that? John Doe replies, because I have assets, I own some real estate and other investments that I plan on leaving to the kids, that should be good!

I (Professional Insurance Advisor) ask John Doe, let me ask you a question, do you feel your able to retire right now? John Doe says, well no, probably not yet. I (Professional Insurance Advisor) also ask, so if you believe your not in a position to retire yet, do you think that if you end up a living a normal life, and let's say you retire at age 65, and you just so happen to live until 90, that's 25 years of income you will need, net after taxes, that you will have to live off of, from your real estate and investments. With the reality of the cost of living forever going up (inflation), is it possible that you may just use up all of your assets for your own retirement? John Doe says, yes,very possible. I (Professional Insurance Advisor) also ask, is it possible you may end up not even having a enough? I mean, is this a possibility? John Doe says, yes, absolutely, I never really thought about that.

I (Professional Insurance Advisor) then ask the client, lets assume that the above scenario becomes a reality, how would you feel if you were not able to leave your children a legacy, when your whole life that was your intention.? To give our children a head start in this world is paramount for their success. Our Children and family will need the most help they can get, financially, moving forward in our society. The cost of living is at an all time high and will forever keep growing, the price of goods are at an all time high and will also forever continue to grow. However, income is not necessarily continuing to grow at the same rate as our population, jobs, housing and goods.

I (Professional Insurance Advisor) then ask John Doe one last question, what if you could create a guaranteed solution to your problem, one that would allow you to never have to put yourself in a situation of having to choose, one that could take the unknown out of the equation, leaving you with peace of mind and clarity.

This client chose to get Life Insurance for the first time, and so can you!



Were not covered!

According to the Life Insurance and Market Research Association, more than 30 million Generation X and Y households surveyed reported that they needed more life insurance in 2012. One-third of wives own no life insurance at all.

The same survey found that most of us believe life insurance gives people “peace of mind.” Of those who have had a positive experience with life insurance, 80 percent indicated that the life insurance industry plays a “critical role” after the death of a loved one.

Consumers find insurance confusing. Of those surveyed, 12 percent couldn’t decide what type of life insurance to purchase, 10 percent were concerned about making the wrong decision and 8 percent simply gave up because of a lack of knowledge about insurance.

At Securing Life Today- your life insurance solution, we can get you the coverage you want, at the price you want to pay!  We take the hassle of dealing with a sales person out of the picture, giving you the tools to see for yourself, who's the most competitive for your specific gender, age and health.

See for yourself!



Welcome to Securing Life Today - Financial Services!

Securing life today was created to provide peace of mind and to help our customers save time and money. With years of experience in the insurance industry, being recognized and awarded on a national level, we realized that everyday people long to provide security to their family and or business - especially in a world of unknowns. 

Shopping for life Insurance has never been better! With our proven industry expertise and simple, instant quoting system, Securing Life Today helps you get the right coverage at the right price and takes all the work off your plate. 

We would be honored to protect and serve you, just to know that we made a priceless difference in your life!